Brillantaisia subulugurica

Light Requirement : Sun
Height x Spread : 6′ x 2-4′
Hardiness : Zone 10
Habit : Upright
Native to: Central western and southern Africa


SKU N/A Category


This unusual plant arrived straight from South Africa. An Acanthaceae of enormous dimensions possessing a huge square stem, 12″ long, deeply crinkled leaves and a 2′ long flower erect, well branched flower spike. The plant reaches 6-8′ in on season. It prefers a full sun location in this climate. Blue, two lipped, 2″ blooms dangle from the well branched cyme. The plant must possess substantial root mass to achieve bloom potential usually by mid August and will regenerate fresh blooms for two months.

Additional information
Pot Type

7.5" FiberGrow Pot

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